I kind of want to rename my blog that: Ovaries and Knitting. Come on, it's pretty much my life story.
Ovaries are still sick. It was confirmed today at my Pre-Op appointment. Not gonna lie, Dr Phil doesn't word things in the best light, he really scared me when he mentioned that if its too badly scarred then he'll have to remove the ovary. I'm 21. I want the option of having children when the time comes. The idea of losing an ovary and therefore 50% of having children... a little daunting.
So, on a lighter note, I got my Wicked Witch yarn. I should take pictures, and will, but I've already cast on a pair of socks. The goal is to have two pairs in time for the show ion the 21st, but I'm the world's slowest knitter, not to mention I suffer from Second Sock Syndrome, it may or may not happen. Plus I keep getting bored and want to work on my shawl.
My new mattress is AH-MAZE-ING! Really, I'm in love. And I'm an amazing mattress shopper. The trick is just keep saying, "No, really, I'm just price shopping for now..." I must have said it three or four times, but each time he cut the price down. $400 for a queen size mattress and box spring and bed frame.
I'm gonna get back to "reading" Voyager and knitting socks!
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