Saturday, July 7, 2007

I feel the need. The need... for posting?

Oi, Hi. Haven't forgotten about this thing, I promise. I've just been lazy. I have done little to no knitting since the last post. I went away and then I worked a lot. I have spin quite a bit though. I finally have that Lioness Rampant from SparkleyLoves on etsy on the bobbin and Oh. My. Goodness. Can we say ammmazing and freakin gorgeous.

The long weekend in Upstate with the ex went well. I kind of miss him, but then I remember why we broke up and how hard his professional life is gonna be for pretty much the next ten years. I mean, yea, I could be a very supportive friend/girlfriend/whatever.... and I would be, but I wouldn't be happy with the amount I got back in return. So yea, occasionally I miss him, and this weekend only brought back the missing a little bit, but really we're better just as friends.

Knitting wise: Like I said nothing. I started the baby blanket and hated it, so I'm froggin it. Then I found out she's having a little girl, so I'm really happy I'm frogging it. She wants pinks, brown and a little purple (Think this). I had blue and yellow (think stars). So, its to the frog pond and I'm back to square one.
Thinking about getting back to work on my Sweetheart Sweater. I got to the sleeves and got bored/burned out. But its been a while so maybe I'll finish it as soon as I finish those damn Jaywalkers. I have half a freaking foot left and I just keep ignoring it.

My camera broke during my trip. I'm a little more than upset.
But, I did stop at Webs on the way home and dropped $150(after the discount) on yarn and fiber. (Too bad I can't take a picture of the prettiness). 2 skeins of sock yarn, 2 skeins of Misti Alpaca and 4.5 lbs, yes POUNDS, of pretty stuff to spin. Can I just say YUM?!

I might be starting a Harry-Potter-Along. A Read/Knit Along for Book 7. Any HP themed pattern will work. I'm trying to get it set up ASAP, cause well its only two weeks away. I'm trying to figure out how to get it started see if there's any interest at all by asking around Ravelry and L&V message board. So far pretty positive responses, but there already is a lot going on out there HP-wise, but most of it has been going on for a while getting ready for the new book.

Ok, so this was a really scattered post and for that I'm sorry. I'm just really exhausted from spending the day with my family for my Aunt's Engagement Party. Oi.

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