Saturday, December 15, 2007

I miss being little!

So, can we talk about how dumb I was as a kid?

I was watching my old Disney movies today and noticed sooo many things I never noticed before. Like the fact that the voice of Aladdin was Steve from Full House! Steve even dressed up as Aladdin in the episode when they went to Disney World. I think I even thought, wow, he sounds a lot like the real Aladdin every time I saw that episode.

The other one I watched today was The Lion King! It has been years since I last watched that one. It makes me so sad. I remember seeing it at the Theaters with my whole family. It is the only movie I've ever seen my dad cry at. Hell, its one of the few times I've ever seen my dad cry at anything. Today, I think was the first time I watched it and got all the adult jokes. I'd gotten some before, but not all. Some of them are really racy! Like when Scar's hiyena army is goose-stepping.

I'm probably going to watch The Little Mermaid and any others I have tomorrow!

*sigh* I miss blogging. I need to keep it up! I want to find a bloghost I like though.

"PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, itty bitty living space"

Sunday, November 25, 2007

In a rut

I am in such a funk. I'm hating my job, not wanting to see my friends, antsy at home, far lonelier than one should have to be around the holidays... just pretty much all around uncomfortable.

Let's see. I haven't updated in forever. I'm pretty much the worst blogger/journaler ever. I always have been. I've never been able to keep a diary.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

back to normal

Monday, October 29, 2007

new haircut!

I heart my new haircut!!! And all my red and blonde highlights!!!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I am very very sore. Very very swollen and very very itchy. Just all around uncomfortable. I ended up having to stay overnight cause they had to do more extensive surgery than they originally thought, but I still have both ovaries, so thank goodness for that. The cysts were so bad though that the doctor told my mom I should have been complaining about the cramps for years.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

aww, sweet nostalgia

Friday, October 12, 2007

scaredy cat

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

ovaries and knitting

I kind of want to rename my blog that: Ovaries and Knitting. Come on, it's pretty much my life story.

Ovaries are still sick. It was confirmed today at my Pre-Op appointment. Not gonna lie, Dr Phil doesn't word things in the best light, he really scared me when he mentioned that if its too badly scarred then he'll have to remove the ovary. I'm 21. I want the option of having children when the time comes. The idea of losing an ovary and therefore 50% of having children... a little daunting.

So, on a lighter note, I got my Wicked Witch yarn. I should take pictures, and will, but I've already cast on a pair of socks. The goal is to have two pairs in time for the show ion the 21st, but I'm the world's slowest knitter, not to mention I suffer from Second Sock Syndrome, it may or may not happen. Plus I keep getting bored and want to work on my shawl.

My new mattress is AH-MAZE-ING! Really, I'm in love. And I'm an amazing mattress shopper. The trick is just keep saying, "No, really, I'm just price shopping for now..." I must have said it three or four times, but each time he cut the price down. $400 for a queen size mattress and box spring and bed frame.

I'm gonna get back to "reading" Voyager and knitting socks!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

maybe I was wrong

My sick ovaries haven't been sick lately, so much so that I was worried/relieved that maybe my body took care of the cysts on its own, like the first ER doctor said it should. That would be good and bad. I wouldn't need surgery-for now, but I still probably would later. For about 2 or 3 weeks now, I've been expecting another phase of pain while I ovulated, but haven't had it. Relieved as I am by not having massive amounts of pain, I'm just confused. I've gotten jabs and minor pains here and there, but I can only compare it to what pregnant women experience while they are waiting for the baby to first start kicking and then later when every little movement, they think they are going into labor. Not that I know any of that from experience, but from what I've heard, it seems very comparable. I've written it off as basic women's plumbing, one side at a time and what not. The huge cyst that caused most of the pain is on the left side, which is where all my pain was centralized last time, so if I'm right-siding this time, where there isn't a monster cyst, that would explain the lack of pain, right? I know I'm going far too far into details here and for that I apologize, I just need to talk about it.

What I'm trying to get at though was I had written this cycle off as pain-free... till now. The pain is starting again, for sure this time. I can tell cause its not just jabs, cause now there is that awful aching in my lower back.

I'm going to try to buy a mattress this weekend. Mine is really really really crappy and old, a hand-me-down. I flipped it over a little while ago and noticed a spring sticking out. I figure Columbus Day weekend sales and a surgery in two weeks are some pretty good reasons.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

back to school!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

yarn diet?

Since I found out that I wouldn't be going to Rhinebeck, my yarn diet.... gone! I needed to cheer myself up and went to the Fiber Loft. I purchased some J.Knits laceweight in Boston, prettttttty... and also a skein of Trekking Pro Natura for dad's X-mas present. Also two nights ago, I ordered 2 skeins Wicked Witch sock yarn from GeminiKnits on Etsy. I want to make matching Wicked socks for me and mom, probably not in time for the show on the 21st, but still... And I made a big order on B& They are having a sale on a lot of craft books, so I picked up, Stitchionary 2 (the Cabling one), Highland Knits (or something along those lines) and Exquisite Little Knits (for one eensy pattern).

Fall down, go boom!

I still have some roving in my etsy basket, that I want badly, but I'm trying not to...

knitting catch-up

So, they bumped up my surgery to the 18th (two and a half weeks away!!!!). Which is good and all, pain's going away, thats a good thing, but now I can't go to Rhinebeck! Sad!

I finished Baby Blanket of Doom and am WIP-less... or I was... Then I signed up for Secret of the Stole. My first KAL, aside from the HP-KAL, which never really left the ground. But Secret of the Stole looks fun. I have the yarn, bought beads and made my swatch:

I also cast on another shawl, thats also beaded, and really pretty, but the beads stressed the yarn and it broke, so I'm going to try fix that and will try adding them on with a crochet hook from now on. I'll try to add a picture later.

I have also been doing a lot of spinning lately, here's my proof of that:

Saturday, September 22, 2007


So, I went to the doctor again on Monday and he decided that I'm going to have surgery to remove the cysts. So, next month I'm to have my first surgery ever and I'm a little bit terrified.

I finished the Baby Blanket of Doom and I need a new project. Maybe I'll finish my sweater.
I wanted to embroider the BBoD with a flower in the corner, but I tried to chain stitch it and gave up. Chain stitching is hard.

Um, I think I need a nap

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I want my own Mr. Darcy


Pride and Prejudice is my feel-good movie. No question. I love that movie. It's creeping up my list of favorites. And while I've enjoyed the long PBS version, the new, short one is an amazing quick fix and (don't hate me all you original-version fans) I think I like the new one best. I love Keira Knightley though, so thats part of it and the new Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) is dreamy. Oh, of course Colin Firth is dreamy too, but I think I fancy the new Mr. Darcy better.


I want my own Mr. Darcy.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

new knitty

I want to read the new Knitty soooooo bad, but I have sooooo much A&P homework to do..... Why today Knitty!? Why today!?!?!?

Soooo not fair!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

sick ovaries

There's lots of stuff I should talk about, like how I went to the hospital again for stabby-pains and vicoden-induced vomiting, but its icky and we don't like icky, so I'm gonna stay away. I'm just gonna say, it was I-Hate-Jamie day on Monday cause I waited 5.5 hours to be seen in the ER and they had to stick me three times! THREE!!! Once for blood work and then twice for an IV, cause the nurse couldn't find my veins!

I've missed a lot of work and my first Psych class and missed my opportunity to post on BlackBoard for A&P, so have missed a homework assignment.

I really wanted to hang out with Lynne after work tomorrow cause we're trying to start a weekly thing of going to the skeezy bar down the road and having pizza and beer after work, but we can't this week cause I have to buy books and do all my homework tomorrow night and then I have the Aerosmith concert on Friday!

So, no Lynne, but I do get Aerosmith!!!!! That makes me happy!!!!

It's gonna be a cold night, that makes me happy too!

Um, lets see... I guess thats it.

Maybe Lynne and I can go shopping after work on Saturday... hmm, I'll have to ask at work tomorrow.

Oh! And! I bought tickets to see Spamalot in January!!!
but now I'm poor.

Very little on the knitting front. I'll probably work on Baby Blanket of Doom tonight and listen to Dragonfly in Amber.

K, really, I'm done now. Night!

deep dark secret

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Knitting ADHD

I have cast on two new socks today and made a lot of headway on the baby blanket. One pair of socks in Trekking and one pair in leftover Lisa Souza for baby socks! They are so cute! I'll take pictures once there's a little more than an inch of cuff, lol. Oi, its 1 am. I need to go to sleep. I guess I probably won;t be making it to the gym tomorrow. Too bad, too, I really need it.

First Psych class tomorrow night.

Things are still silent on the Derek front and I'm really saddened by it. I think I might call him tomorrow night, when my head isn't fuzzy from medicine. I know he doesn't believe it, but I really only asked cause I'm spacey. I asked him if he ever cheated on me when we were dating. I can't help that ever since he cheated on his current girlfriend with me that I would doubt his faithfulness back when we were dating. To make things worse, he is still under the impression that I cheated on him with Danny. Cause he thought we were only on break, but I thought everything was over. Drama, drama, drama. I even told him that if his answer was yes, he did, I don't know if I would have the right to be mad at him.

Its like my aunt who got divorced over seven years ago to a man who had cheated on her. She is still bitter. Understandable, except that it was her ex-husband second marriage because she had been his other woman during his first. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I understand that she was mad and sad and allllll that, but seriously, she thought he only cheated for her?

I've put a lot of thought into this lately. And vicoden brought it out... out loud. I swear this stuff is worse than drunk dialing.

open mouth, insert foot

So, I really know how to put my foot in my mouth. If I ever want to be with Derek again, I'm screwed.

I'm high on painkillers for the stabby-pains. I had another attack today, so I've been heavily medicated.

And it's bringing out my worst qualities.

Friday, September 7, 2007

...its taking over

I just thought you should know...
the yarn...
its taking over my desk.

And OMG this yarn diet is hard!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happier, I swear, and yarn-related

So, this is the New and Improved Baby Blanket of Doom (BBoD for short):

Also, my Walking in the Woods socks:

Or, well, one of them, the other one is in my purse to work on at the hospital tomorrow. I've turned the heel and am working on the foot.

As of now, I am on a HUGE serious Yarn Diet. I am not allowed to buy yarn until Rhinebeck (Oct 21st). Seriously... Yesterday I bought enough yarn to finish the BBoD and a sweater and today I purchased a skein of L&V sock yarn, but that was it for a whole month and a half.

So it begins.

When I ramble about depressing stuff...

I am horrible at keeping a blog, I really am. Lets see... I've decided to be a nicer person. I realized that when I say I'm a mean person all the time, even if I'm just kidding, it really starts to happen. Blame it on that self-fulfilling prophecy stuff. I used to be a really nice person, so nice that I let people walk all over me all the time. I made that realization right around the time Derek and I broke up and Danny told me that I was too dependent on men. So, I vowed that I would become stronger and more independent. However, I just turned cold. Its been about a year and a half now and I am an Ice Queen: I rarely go out, all of my friendships have gone downhill, I have a horrible attitude, and I'm ridiculously lonely.

There has to be a happy medium.

I met somebody. I met him on OKCupid. The site creeps the hell out of me, but it worked well for one of my friends, so I did it anyways. After being on the site for a couple of months and talking to people online, I finally decided to meet one of the normal ones in person. He's a nice enough guy, but I am not even a little bit interested in him. "Beggars can't be choosers" can bite my ass, cause I'd rather be alone and bored and almost miserable than in a stale, passionless relationship.

I was talking to Lynne the other day about Derek. She said, very politely, but pointedly, "You're not over him, are you?" I stopped and thought about it for a minute and answered, "No, and I probably never will be. Thats just how I am." Its pretty true. I fall and I fall hard and I never really get over it.

This is probably way too melodramatic, but I feel like the past two or three years have been really hard for me. Life will always have its ups and downs, but lately the downs have been outnumbering the ups. My Grmmy broke her hip this morning. She's getting old and its scary. She's 87 and I still think of her as my Grammy that lived by herself and was strong and independent and took care of me on weekends that my parents worked. Her dementia is hitting me really really hard. I know the ups and downs are probably about even. Deep down I know it, but lately, its just been so hard. And when it gets like this, its so hard to remember the good too. All I can think about is the bad. For three years all I can think of is bad, hard, horrible events: Grammy getting hurt today and getting sick two years ago, when her health started speeding downhill, my mom's aunt dying last week, Derek and I breaking up a year and a half ago, my dad being fired two years ago, Danny, leaving me for his ex right after Derek and I broke up, failing all of those classes and dropping out of RWU two years ago... the list can go on and on and if I don't get out of this funk and start thinking about the good, it will. That can't happen. I've let all that steam out, now I have to start thinking of the good. Discovering a passion for knitting and spinning, meeting Lynne and having a partner in crime at work, going off of antidepressants, meeting Derek and having fun while it lasted, and then once we got over the breakup, having a good friend I can count on for the rest of my life, all of the fun I've had with my friends, going to concerts and bars and Harry Potter parties, lol.

Good. Positive attitude. Its what I need. Good things happen to good people.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Catch Up!

Lets see...

1. I bought lotsa lotsa yarn, so I'm poor.
2. I registered for classes, so I'm poor.
3. I've gone to the doctors A LOT lately (for my toe and my death cramps).
4. I've spent far too much of my free time on Ravelry.
5. I officially dislike the Baby Blanket of Doom and have made little to no progress on it since I last mentioned it.
6. I'm rereading (listening) to the Outlander series and *sigh* I want my own big Scottish brute...
7. I finished my first pair of socks!!!
8. I was supposed to go to the Cape this weekend, but I don't think I'm going to be able to cause my mom's aunt died and I have to go to New Jersey in a couple of days. I'm not complaining, really, its very sad.
9. I saw Hailey two weeks ago. Hailey, my best friend from Nova when I lived in Florida, who I haven't seen in 7 years, Hailey. Yea, pretty cool.
10. I'm sleepy and should go to bed soon.

Thank you and good night.

Friday, August 10, 2007

fall down, go boom

I promised myself that if those items didn't sell on the L&V yarn shop by Friday (payday) I would buy me a present! So, now, a hank of sock yarn and 4 oz of yummy roving is one my way. And I haven't spun in ages, yet I'm still compelled to buy buy buy!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Did I mention I got my Black Phoenix shipment!!! Mmm, I smell so pretty. I haven't tried them all, but my favorites so far are Jezebel and Florence. And they sent me two others I didn't even order. One thing has to be said about Indy Artists, they treat you riiight! Oh and Bewitched, then again, those are the only three I've worn so far.

Hailey's coming this weekend!!!! I am so excited to see her, I just have no idea what we're gonna do. We might go to a bar or club, but I'm hoping more of a lounge area so we can catch up, its been 7 freakin years after all!

I got a haircut, its pretty cute! Um, I met a boy, he's really nice, we might be hanging out Sunday or maybe tomorrow if I don't have to go to a family meeting about my Grammy. I want to go though, even if I don't get a say in the matter.

k, I need sleep, later! -j

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

oi freakin vey

I tried to finish Tiff's baby's blanket in time, but alas, I was unsuccessful. Mom and I saw her last night before she and Curt and Baby leave for Idaho tomorrow morning. I cried sooo much. But I'm still working on Baby's blanket.

I have a crush. I've already mentioned it before, Nils, cute and nerdy, great butt and soft eyes and sexy voice. Seriously. He was in today and my co-workers told me I can't flirt and that I was mean. The first part I warned them against, the second... I was not! If they want mean, I can show them mean. Well, I probably shouldn't dwell...

Friday, July 27, 2007

'Oley Crap


No really

Thats all I got pretty much

I almost went to the hospital tonight cause I was having immense stabby-pains in my abdomen. We decided not to go cause they got a lot more subdued, but they are still there.

I was supposed to go out tonight. Not just out, no, I was supposed to meet a new guy at the bar tonight, I venture we could call it a date. However, I'm not really interested in this guy, hes a little *too* geeky for my tastes. So, now I'm trying to disappear... but I don't know how.

Oi Vey

Monday, July 23, 2007

Big update:

I bought HP7, went to the big party at Harvard Square and finished in 36 hours.
I am trying to clean like crazy! But tonight I was distracted by a boy from okc. I meant to go through my clothes tonight, but I didn't get to it. Instead, I went through my bookcase.
Just now, I purchased 6 Imp's Ears from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. I just realized though that I think I payed incorrectly. Nevertheless, I just got the little trials of: Jezabel, Muse, Spellbound, Bewitched, Florence and Nyx.

Ok, I know there's more stuff, but I'm wicked tired. So, uh... I have to go to sleep

Monday, July 16, 2007

geez, I've been busy

Well not super busy, but internet-busy! I started the Harry Potter Read/Knit-Along! Its coming along slowly, but still I've gotten some interest. So, all of my internetting has been setting that up and doing some PR.

I've been re-listening to HP5, I've already seen it twice, seriously, twice. Loved it, even if the book is ten thousand times better.

I've also done a lot of knitting and spinning. This is my favorite handspun yet:Lioness Rampant

I also am working on my Horcrux socks, they are really coming along. I just turned the heel of the first sock tonight! I hate turning heels. I'm still not very good at it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I feel the need. The need... for posting?

Oi, Hi. Haven't forgotten about this thing, I promise. I've just been lazy. I have done little to no knitting since the last post. I went away and then I worked a lot. I have spin quite a bit though. I finally have that Lioness Rampant from SparkleyLoves on etsy on the bobbin and Oh. My. Goodness. Can we say ammmazing and freakin gorgeous.

The long weekend in Upstate with the ex went well. I kind of miss him, but then I remember why we broke up and how hard his professional life is gonna be for pretty much the next ten years. I mean, yea, I could be a very supportive friend/girlfriend/whatever.... and I would be, but I wouldn't be happy with the amount I got back in return. So yea, occasionally I miss him, and this weekend only brought back the missing a little bit, but really we're better just as friends.

Knitting wise: Like I said nothing. I started the baby blanket and hated it, so I'm froggin it. Then I found out she's having a little girl, so I'm really happy I'm frogging it. She wants pinks, brown and a little purple (Think this). I had blue and yellow (think stars). So, its to the frog pond and I'm back to square one.
Thinking about getting back to work on my Sweetheart Sweater. I got to the sleeves and got bored/burned out. But its been a while so maybe I'll finish it as soon as I finish those damn Jaywalkers. I have half a freaking foot left and I just keep ignoring it.

My camera broke during my trip. I'm a little more than upset.
But, I did stop at Webs on the way home and dropped $150(after the discount) on yarn and fiber. (Too bad I can't take a picture of the prettiness). 2 skeins of sock yarn, 2 skeins of Misti Alpaca and 4.5 lbs, yes POUNDS, of pretty stuff to spin. Can I just say YUM?!

I might be starting a Harry-Potter-Along. A Read/Knit Along for Book 7. Any HP themed pattern will work. I'm trying to get it set up ASAP, cause well its only two weeks away. I'm trying to figure out how to get it started see if there's any interest at all by asking around Ravelry and L&V message board. So far pretty positive responses, but there already is a lot going on out there HP-wise, but most of it has been going on for a while getting ready for the new book.

Ok, so this was a really scattered post and for that I'm sorry. I'm just really exhausted from spending the day with my family for my Aunt's Engagement Party. Oi.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

yay for bad choices

See, I'm a bad blogger! I forget about this thing very easily. But hey, whatever, its not like anybody reads it.

So, I'm taking a long weekend this weekend and visiting a friend in Syracuse. He just happens to be my ex, but that doesn't matter cause he's one of my best friends... This could either be great or a disaster. I haven't decided which yet, and really now, I will have very little say in the matter. The disaster part could happen on so many different levels and in so many different ways. List time.
Why things could go badly.
1. He's my ex. 'Nuff said.
2. He has a girlfriend.
3. He doesn't treat me like he has a girlfriend
4. and I usually take his flirtations way too seriously.
5. We haven't spent more than a couple of hours together since we broke up
6. and I'm staying from Friday night to sometime on Monday.
7. He tends to annoy me sometimes cause he's very over-the-top.
8. and egocentric.
9. and cocky.
10. and arrogant.
11. and when I'm drunk he may look all too sexy.
12. I'll be drunk this weekend.
13. Very drunk.
14. He is not going to respect my personal space issues and that might piss me off.
15. or worse yet, it might not.
16. I bought really cute new panties.
17. just in case.
18. and cute new shorts to sleep in.

Despite spending money on pretty things, I don't have any expectations for this weekend. I'm hoping nothing happens cause he does have a girlfriend and I am finally over him. He's wanted me to come visit for forever and I miss my friend. He knows I've been stressed out a lot lately with work and family and just offered his place as a mini-vacation from everything.

If I can, either on the way there or on the way home, I'm going to try to stop at Webs!! Oh, thats #19. He doesn't know about my knitting addiction and 20. He will definitely be one to laugh at me for it. That will be one of the things that annoys me.

Ok, work in the AM. Its the hottest night of the year and sleep will not be coming easy tonight.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

What I did today:

8 oz of yumminess:


I also did some laundry and this is what happened while I was flipping my matress:


Now I'm gonna go watch My Fair Lady and work on a baby blanket.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I have a crush. A kinda big one. Even though I know nothing is going to happen. He works kinda for the bank. More like he works for the company who sets up our Cash Dispenser and he is our guy for when it doesn't work. Seeing as how we just opened and just started using this machine, this machine that is the first of its kind in the US, we see him a lot. He's dorky-cute. Just my type. And now my boss and L knows about my crush. I told L myself and my boss kinda figured it out when he said the guy was coming in to look at the machine in the morning and I pouted cause I'm coming in late tomorrow. My boss was just like, "Why the pouting.... Ohhh" My turning ten shades of red kind of gave it away apparently. I'm just no good at talking to guys. Really, no good at all.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Eek! I want to spend money!

Why is the only colorway I absolutely loved still available on L&V's shop. You don't even realize how much restraint I've been showing whenever I meander over to their shop. I'm trying to save money and not buy a lot of yarn and lets face it, their yarn isn't exactly cheap. I just bought a soft top and a wheel within the past two weeks, I can't afford more yarn.

Ok. I clicked out of the page, I should be ok for a little while. Somebody go buy it, so I can't, k?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

L's apartment

So, I saw the apartment I might move into today. Actually I'm here right now. My favorite coworker, L, just moved into a house with some friends recently. She had to work today, I technically didn't, so she asked me to do her a favor and wait around for the Comcast guy from 11-1. So, I'm here, he's not. Hopefully he'll get her soon, cause its wierd being in somebody else's house. As I use her computer... Hey, she said make myself comfortable and do whatever I wanted.

What would be my room if I move is really neat. Its in the back of the building and very large, but oddly shaped. There's a lot of potential though. Really, I'm already trying to arrange furniture in my head. (I wish I had my tape measure with me.) The room is L-shaped. When you first walk in, you're like "Wow, this is tiny," like barely enough room for a twin bed, but then you see there is another section to the left thats about the size of a full or queen bed. Its really neat.

Ok, I'm gonna get off her computer now. I brought knitting. Hopefully, this guy gets here soon. Oh, and if there are any typos, sorry, I'm not used to this computer.


Friday, June 8, 2007

Stash and Buddha

This is what I see when I look up from my desk:

Stash and Buddha

it makes me giggle a little bit...

Also, I got this in the mail today and it makes me very very VERY happy:

SparklyLoves' Lioness Rampant

yum. I can't wait to spin it up.

AND I ordered a soft top for my Jeep today.
(No complaining about work today, aren't you proud?)


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fajitas and Love Seats

Eek, long day. I'm supposed to get out a little early tomorrow, but I have serious doubts as to whether that will happen.

Work was long.
Got very little knitting done. I'm suffering from my first case of Second Sock Syndrome.
Got no housework done.
But Mom and I did buy a new couch and love seat!
Ate dinner at Moe's, 3 fajitas later, I'm feeling fat and happy.

Not really too much more to talk about today. So, till tomorrow...
(signing off as FS is new to me, so I keep pausing after the hyphen thinking ...what next?)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Work is hard

So, work at the MCU is ridiculously tough right now. Our branch is relocating to a fancy, new, huge, state of the art building down the street. We are getting out of the tiny little office building we're stuck in now, but until we are there, the testing and training for the new branch is really, really, REALLY hard. We have a small staff and are split between the two buildings and our head teller is on vacation, we're trying to learn the new equipment and train two new tellers all at the same time. Really, really hard. I can't wait until next week, when we are all in the same location, at least. Or really, till the week after that, when we are used to the new digs. Seriously, this was the worst planned move ever. They have another staff dost of the testing. A full staff that they hired for a new branch that isn't opening till September (if they're lucky, we we're supposed to open the new branch in January). They are going to have their own branch to test in a couple of months, so they should be covering our current branch while we get set up in the new place.

Ok, I think I'm done complaining about work for today. My phone just rang and I'm curious to see who's calling me.


Monday, June 4, 2007

$16 well spent

I just bought 4 oz. of roving by SparklyLoves Fiber called Lioness Rampant. I heard about it on Lime & Violet today on the drive home and flipped out. Lioness Rampant was one of the books, the last I think, in a series I used to looove when I was 13. I re-read it a couple of times, it was just so good, one of my favorites. I had to buy this stuff. I can't wait to get it and spin it! I'm going to try for very fine, and maybe if I can manage, get a sock weight yarn.

Gotta go work on some socks!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Just so you know...

This is going to be a blog filled with yummy yarn and knitting and spinning related goodness. So, I'm gonna dive right in and tell you what's on my needles and bobbin.

On the needles:
  • Jaywalker socks
  • Floral Yoke Cardigan
  • and technically way in the back, my Sweetheart Sweater

On the bobbin:
  • Hooked On Felt (ebay) Roving in Mimosa, 8 oz.
  • yummy colors, black, fuscha, purple and a little bit of orange for good measure
  • a little scratchy though
Filling up the iPod with my podcasts for tomorrow's drive to work.

But for now, I'm off to sleep.


So, here we are, that inevitable awkward first post. I thought it would be a while before this happened, but here at last. Well, let's be honest, I've written quite a few of these, but none stuck, none felt right. I have a good feeling about this one though. A good feeling.

The blog's called "FireSpinner and all her Obsessions." But why? Oh, maybe its because of her obsessive personality and fondness of spinning. Yea, that makes sense, but let's dig deeper...
The name is FireSpinner because a) I like fire (but not in a crazy kinda way) and b) I like to spin. My other alias is Fire (Insert synonym of Spinner here). What can I say, it has a sort of ring to it. Aside from that clue, I am going to try to keep a certain amount of anonymity here. But I'm sure if someone who knows me stumbles across it, they'll probably be able to tell. I consider myself a pretty odd duck.

As for the Obsessions, they currently stand as the following (in no particular order):
  • Knitting
  • Yarn
  • Spinning my own yarn
  • John Mayer
  • Josh Groban
  • Veronica Mars
  • NCIS
  • Heroes
  • TV on DVD
  • TTM
  • My car
  • Moving out of this nondescript small town
  • Being alone
  • Harry Potter
  • Work
  • Figuring out what I'm doing the next couple of years

Hmm, that's all I can really think of right now, but I'm sure more will come up. You see, I use the word "Obsession" rather lightly, but in its true meaning as well. I'm kind of paradoxical like that. Or at least I like to think I am.

So, lets dive right in and let me talk about my life and crap. List format, its how I do my best work. So, random facts about me:
  • I say "So" a lot.
  • I am a 21 year old girl from Small Town, Massachusetts.
  • I live at home with my parents and younger brother and HATE it.
  • I have NO idea what's going on with my life or what I want to do with it.
  • My brother and father got in a huge fist fight about a week ago and no we're all pretending nothing happened.
  • I have an OCD called Trichotillomania that causes me to pull out my own hair without really realizing it.
  • I have a small weight and body image problem.
  • I am super anti-social and its been a gradual thing.
  • I just bought a Columbine Spinning Wheel that I am in love with.
  • Speaking of love, I'm not in it with anybody and that makes me sad.
  • Like really sad.
  • Depressed even.
  • I've been diagnosed with clinical depression and general anxiety disorder.
  • I just finished watching Season 2 of Veronica Mars and am totally into it, too bad it got cancelled for next season and Season 3 doesn't come out till the fall.
  • Maybe I'll dowload it from itunes anyways.
  • My Obsessions kill me financially.
  • I don't really have A best friend.
  • All the people I consider my best friends are no where near as close to me as best friends should be.
  • Actually, my mom is my best friend.
  • I whine and bitch A LOT.
  • Just warning ya.

Hmm, I guess that'll do for an introduction. Talk to you later!